


Here some key activities and achievements in 2021, which was again still challenging due to COVID and economic struggles. Still we can say - it was a BIG year, because for the fist time we had schooling activity. Still "inofficial" as Adult English summer school and Foundation schooling, but there were students in the classrooms!!

Some school books and kitchen utensils were bought - and of course all workers, teachers and helpers were paid at the school site.


In terms of construction the student's toilets got almost finished and we started to build a temporary kitchen.


Unfortunately the maize harvest went down due to dry weather conditions, but at least the planted trees are growing well.


In Germany we finally got the official registration as charity association, now we hope we can be more efficient in fundraising and networking. We could collect more than 15.000 Euros as funds in 2021.


Bog thanks for everyone who supported and who had interest in our activities!

We are starting with big motivation into the new year!



Instead of the start of school activity the year 2020 brought new challenges, more points that the Tanzanian authorities want to be done before an official opening is possible, health issues of our main responsible persons there, some trouble in the village... and of course Covid19. Even though the virus did not spread there dramatically, the economic consequences, general fear, restricted movements etc. slowed all activities down and delayed our plans even more.

But: Also good things happened and we continued making steps forward: Despite the worldwide extraordinary situation we could collect more than 10.000 Euro in 2020, plus raised a special "corona-Aid-fund" and could collect more than 2.300 Euro to buy food and soap for around 250 most vulnerable people in Kihesa Mgagao village.

The foundation of the second big building is ready, the student's toilets (7 + 7 latrines) are growing bit by bit (again all handmade); For the first time there was a harvest of beans on our farm, next crop already planted is maize; People in the villages started to collect a huge amount of plastic bottles to have material ready for one of first innovative "Plastic-bottle-house" we want to build soon.

And in Germany so many people supported with handmade gifts for Christmas, with good ideas and ongoing interest, with private donations and official activities  - the total sum of donation went above the magic line of 100.000 Euro!! Further more we try to start an official association soon and are in the process of preparing all necessary papers; we hope to increase our visibility and network for the future!

Feel free to flip through a potpourri of what happened in Germany and Tanzania in 2020! And stay with us for further steps, we will keep on working on our next goals, together with YOU!



What was achieved during the last months of 2019?

- Lots of fundraising activities took place in Germany (Christmas charity market, book shop "Libera" donated for their anniversary, Charity massage day, lots of private donations...) and by end of the year we crossed the magic line of a total donation sum of 90.000 Euro!!

- At the site the fundament of the second big building was done (as the government requested)

- Several acres of land were prepared for the coming school farm and tree nursery - ready to start with crops and plant seedlings now in raining season.

- Negotiations are in process to get the permission to start a first class of around 30-40 students by beginning of 2020.  Please cross your fingers!!



After a longer period of silence a quick overview what happened during the last months and wehere we are right now:

- 3-classroom-building is completed, painted and even the first set of chairs and tables is waiting for the students


- A small first toilet has been built, ready to be used


- In April 2019 we could visit Kihesa village and the construction site and talk to the people - everyone is full of hope!

- We aWe re about to connect the building to the local electricity system (which reached Kihesa just end of last year)

- A second building (requested by the government to get green light to start the school activity) has got its fundaments, construction is ongoing


It all went pretty well so far, lots of fundraising activities are going on and we are hopeful to start the first schooling activity beginning of next year!! Can you support us on the way to reach that goal?


So many news to tell you! 2017 was incredible and more than 22.000 Euro reached the schoolsite during the last year - thanks to generous people and companies who should be much more mentioned than just here in our partner list. Even this year we got already 6000 Euro sent to Tanzania, and on the right side you can see what happened: The building is more or less ready, it needs some toilet now to be allowed to start using it (not yet as Kihesa Mgagao School, but at least it will serve its purpose!). We try to be active with fundraising, some selling of african fabrics stuff, Charity-Massage and other ideas keeps the flow going! Go with us!


There are quite some news to tell: we got the incredible sum of 5.000 Euro from a donor group in Luxembourg! Windows and doors and lots of new building material could be bought! Some other generous people collected money during birthdays, with charity runs and other  fundraising activities! So now... we crossed the incredible line of 50.000 Euro in total since the beginning!! and the construction work is going on... FOLLOW THE NEXT STEPS!!


What a step forward!! With the wonderful results from last year's calendar selling and some  generous donations from private persons (special thanks to family Müller and Mathias Groß) the underground water tank could be finalized by Mid of March. Now rain water from the roof will be collected in a 35.000 l Tank - for further construction and later for water supply. Check here how it was built... Curious what comes next? Get involved in the finishing of our first classroom building and in toilet construction... 


Many good news! Lots of money went lately to the project, due to kindness and generosity of many people! So, the water tank project will be hopefully realized soon! If you want to give your share: Calendars for 2017 are available!! All money given on top of the printing costs will go to the project! Contact here, if you are interested!

Fotos © B. Schönharting


The roof is there!! A big milestone could be finished in the first weeks of this year. the three-classroom-building has its iron sheet roof now! Thank you so much for all the support here and there. Now not only the rooms are protected, but we also can collect valuable water now for the next steps and the toilets later on. So now we need to build a cistern with the 20.000l water tank we already have! So - next step ahead, let's go!! More pictures from the roof construction?? Here...


The next construction step is done: with the money from the last months the team in Tansania reached the ring beam. The building is now ready for the roof construction - can we reach this goal together? More pictures in "Das Projekt - Bildergalerie"


Another incredible sum has been coming in lately: Our friends and supporters Petra & Axel decided to go for "donations instead of presents" for their birthday party. We are almost speechless and grateful for more than 2700,- Euro!!! Now construction work can continue!


During the last weeks new funds (more than 1500,- Euro) were coming in through the kind support of the UniReha Cologne (thanks to our chairperson Brigitte Müller for introducing the project!), through a charity-Massage-Day in Taunusstein and some other events! Thank you so much! 

Fotos © B. Schönharting/ B. Müller


We have created a logo!! How do you like it? Colors (blue, green, yellow and the black shadow) symbolize the Tanzanian Flag!